
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

The Ride as Sacrament

On Saturday, I will start a 2-day, 180-mile ride to raise money for cancer research at The James, the cancer center where I've received all my treatment and where my friend, John Rucker, is currently receiving his second stem cell transplant for Multiple Myeloma.

This graphic captures one of the main reasons I'm riding (beyond the fundraising) prove to myself, my loved ones, the world and this disease that I am walking, or rather, riding away from the negative effects of the disease and treatment.  It will be a demonstration that I can leave behind the negative physical effects but will also be a time for me to leave behind the negative emotional and mental effects, as well.

In my church, a sacrament (baptism, wedding, funeral), is defined as "an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace."  Those 180-miles will be that outward sign of my re-birth, the final shedding of the chrysalis of these last 18 months...10 miles for every month.

Seems fitting.

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