
Saturday, November 22, 2014

The "13 Wardrobe"

I finally had a chance to get my winter clothes out and put my summer and fall clothes away.  I decided it would be a good time to go through my clothes and purge things I didn't wear anymore.

I usually follow the rule of "if I haven't worn it in a year, get rid of it."  That works great....unless you have a two year period during which your normal wardrobe doesn't fit, as I have.  During the winter of 2013, I was so bloated that I had to wear really blousy shirts and elastic waist pants.  While I was better in the winter of 2014, I still couldn't wear much of my normal wardrobe.

So, now it's been almost three years since I bought any "normal" clothes so the nice work pants that I do have are waaaaaaay out of style.  I had to get rid of most of my "normal" winter work pants.  Yes, it's an excuse to go shopping but I don't like to go shopping, especially for work clothes, and I don't really want to spend money on that now, anyway.

I also got rid of many of the blousy shirts and elastic waist pants that were the staple of my wardrobe from May 2013-April 2014.  When I would show something to Alan that I was getting rid of, he'd ask, "Is that a 13?" ie did you buy that in 2013.  If I said, "Yes", he'd say "pitch it."

I do get the feeling that I'm tempting fate when I get rid of those I should keep them around in case I need them again. And if I keep them, I won't need them but if I get rid of them....Logic tells me that I shouldn't live my life preparing to relapse but being a Gator fan has made me pretty superstitious.  I've been banished and have banished others to inconvenient locations during Gator viewing parties because the team started doing well.

Logic did prevail and I did get rid of them.  I hope my co-workers will understand if they see the same pants or skirt a bit too regularly since the wardrobe is really depleted.  I figure if the male anchor on the Australian Today show can wear the same suit for a year ( read the story here ), I'll be OK if I wear a pair of pants more often than I'd like.  I promise you they'll be clean.

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