
Monday, June 06, 2005

"Why does everyone hate Coldplay?"

Article on MSNBC today poses the question Why Does Everyone Hate Coldplay?

Shock of shock--who could hate Coldplay? I've already bought four tickets to their show here in September and will go out at lunch tomorrow to buy their new CD "X&Y" so we can listen to it continuously on our 13-hour drive to Tennessee on Wednesday. (Why is it released a day later in the US and Canada than the rest of the world? I mean, the world may hate the US, but why make the innocent Canadian music fan suffer.) I'm sure most people who hate hate them do because a guy as homely and seemingly wimpy as Chris Martin is in a relationship and has a child with Gwyneth Paltrow.

Go to and listen to "Fix You". Great song. "Til Kingdom Come", a song they wrote for an album Johnny Cash was going to record but died before he could record it, is a hidden track on the album. Verrrry good.

And now, to something totally unrelated, here's me, Amy and Claire at the Bud Light volleyball tourney in May. Unfortunately the best abs in the pic are blocked by Claire. ;)

Click here to see us!

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