All of this got me thinking about transformations. I've written about them previously here, The Boy or the Bunny and here Before and After. As I was pondering the thought of seeds of intention and the energy it takes to bring them to fruition, I also thought of the transformation through which they go. Sara said that a farmer doesn't plant corn and then stand over every seed saying "corn, corn, corn." But I had an image that a farmer plants a corn seed that looks like this corn seed.
And then a plant grows that looks like this. What sprouts from the seed and the fertile ground looks nothing like the "seed of intention" we planted. But if we let it go through its season, it will produce a thousand times the intention that we planted. But too often, we don't trust, we get fearful, it doesn't look anything like what we planted so we think we need to dig it up, to stop caring for it, to find another seed. NO! Often times, what sprouts from our intentions or prayers looks very different than what we thought we planted. The periods of most vigorous growth can look very different than the outcome we intended. Seriously, trust me on this one. But if we trust in our power, the goodness of the universe or God (or whatever your belief system is), what grows from that intention will be thousands of times greater than the small intention we planted.
That has been my path through my disease and recovery, my before and after. Plant your seed of intention, fertilize your soil, and trust in the transformation.
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