
Monday, April 08, 2013

"The Fastest Way Out Is Always Through"

That quote from Rober Frost has always been one of my favorites but has taken on new meaning as I face the stem cell transplant.  Between the side effects from the high dose chemo I get on Monday and Tuesday...

• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Stomach pain/cramps
• Heartburn
• Mouth sores (oral mucositis)
• Painful or difficult swallowing
• Skin rash
• Hair loss

And the side effects from the stem cell transplantation I get on Thursday,
• Nausea and vomiting 
• Abdominal cramping 
• Chilling 
• An unusual odor 
• Taste of garlic
it's going to be a rough ride to get through.  Except for the garlic taste.  I haven't felt like eating garlic in a long time so maybe I'll just eat only food that I like with garlic and let the side effect do its magic.

The weeks of fatigue following the transplant will be a real challenge for me but, over the last few weeks, I've really learned to not over do it and have a better ability to know my energy level and set my activities accordingly.

This past week was hard as I tried to enjoy my last few days "on the outside" but had so much bloating and kidney issues, it was really tough.  But I did make it to the Fleetwood Mac concert with my daughter and son-in-law, and friends Allyn and Jasper.

And I had a great visit with my friends who came up from Virginia for the show.  Allyn has always been my example of a true friend and this time was no exception.  She brought food for us and cooked all the meals while she was here,  gave me a greeting card to open each day during the next month and offered to come and stay for as long as I needed.  Her husband Jasper went above and beyond by doing our federal and state income taxes.  I normally do our taxes and wasn't sure I'd be able to get them done this year.  Jasper, who does taxes for many of his family members, graciously prepared ours...and found that we could lower our tax bill by $900 if we contributed an additional $2200 to our HSA.  Its not like we won't use it.

My neighbor Erin came over Saturday evening and hung out with me while I sprawled in bed and Alan was working.  We talked about how uncomfortable I was from the abdominal bloating and how I looked about 8-9 months pregnant.  Erin mentioned how a maternity support band helped her toward the end of her last pregnancy.  She went out today and bought one for me and it did help me stay upright for longer periods of time.  Maybe now I can walk into the hospital.

Friends have been so generous with offers to help while I'm in the hospital.  Its so comforting to know there are so many people ready and willing to help if we need them.

So, Monday, April 8 10:30 AM this $hit gets real.  I know God will be there with me through all of this.  May I remember to look for his strength and courage and remember Jesus' words, "My grace is sufficient."


Gina Clark said...

I am sorry you're going through all of this. I am, and have always been, on your team. You're one of the premiere women I've ever had the pleasure of working with and calling a friend. Kick some butt the few weeks, and know that we're cheering for your full recovery.

maybere said...

You're doing awesome! keep up that strong spirit we all know you have!!!!