
Sunday, July 28, 2013


Tonight, I was doing a little internet browsing on Amyloidosis remission and I saw a link to a clinical trial at Ohio State that is gathering information on amyloidosis treatment and patient outcomes.  This statement in the "Purpose" section of the description of the trial was a bit of harsh reality tonight...

"Because nearly all myeloma and amyloid patients relapse and treatment is eventually unsuccessful"
As I said in my last post, it almost always comes back (I think I saw one stat that said 4% of cases don't eventually relapse) its just a question of when.  If I can't be in that 4%, I want the when to be very far off in the distant future.

It reminds me of the Greek legend about the Sword of Damocles.  The king, Dionysius, let Damocles switch places with him so Damocles could feel the king's fortune and power.   But, Dionysius arranged that a huge sword hang over the throne suspended only by a single hair from a horse's tail.  As Cicero asks when referring to this story, "Does not Dionysius seem to have made it sufficiently clear that there can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always looms?"

Its only through God's grace and my trust in Him, feeble it may be at times, that I can find happiness even though this looms over me.

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