
Thursday, March 07, 2013

Lookin' Good

Had a very encouraging appointment with Dr. Efebera.  Bone marrow biopsy did show systemic, in that I have it, yay, in that I don't have to undergo a kidney biopsy.  She wants to move ahead with stem cell transplant and the coordinator is supposed to call me today or tomorrow to get things rolling.

I am going to have one round of chemo (4 treatments over 2 weeks) before the transplant to clear out some of the protein that has built up.  She said this should alleviate some of the gastrointestinal and kidney problems I'm having.   Seems weird that chemo might make me feel better but I'm pretty sure that's why we're doing it.  I finish my last treatment the day before we leave for Steamboat.  I hope this means I'll be able to eat better and maybe even have a beer while I'm out there.

I was watching Price Is Right while waiting and was thinking about stem cell transplant as my showcase prize.  Looks like I got the showcase with some bonus chemo thrown in, too.  I'll take that over the silly car the guy won today.

The theme of "God-incidences" continues with everything working out just so. As my friend Allyn said, "Its a terrible situation with the best possible circumstances" (or something like that.  She always says insightful things and I get so caught up in how insightful they are I forget exactly what she said.)

Dr. Efebera said people my age tolerate the transplant very well and says they are usually out of the hospital after 3 weeks and some go back to work after 4 weeks.  She said she's betting I'll be out in 2-1/2....but I think she's just trying to pump me up.  Hey, I'll take it.

Bottom line...good news across the board.  Prayers are working.  Thanks to all of you who have taken time to pray, send good thoughts/vibes, etc. I really appreciate it.

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