
Saturday, March 02, 2013

Two truths

In my heart, I've always believed two truths.  Time and time again, circumstances always confirm to me that--
  1. God is good
  2. People are good
As I deal with my journey into this illness, those truths are confirmed over and over again.  I look at the path that lead to my diagnosis and see so many points on the way that I could have chosen a path that would have delayed the diagnosis...but I didn't.  And I know that happened because God is good.

So many people have come forward during this time to express their love, concern and support that its really been overwhelming.  It brings me to tears sometimes just thinking about it (which, of course, irritates Claire, "Why are you crying if its a good thing"?)  You expect your family, close friends, church family and close work associates to reach out.  But I have had so many people offer to help, tell me they'll pray, cheer me up and cheer me on, tell me they know I'll beat it.  I feel like Sally Field at the Academy Awards, "You like me! Right now, you like me!"

I was talking with one of my friends at work about this phenomenon and how the news is filled with stories that give the impression that people are bad.  I think that comes from the fact that we live such self-reliant lives that people don't have an opportunity to show their goodness.  So all we see are stories of bad.  A silver lining of my health issues is that it gives people a chance to show they care....and that's good for them and its good for me.

Thanks to all of you who have been so caring and supportive.  You have no idea how much it helps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kat does that include me!! :-) I'm the guy that loves Psalm 39!! Carpe Diem! Damn The torpedoes! Full speed ahead! Love, Matt